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Why pottery?

(An 'About Me' post)           I originally joined pottery because my 8th grade teacher encouraged me to. Starting the year right by being late, was not entertaining. But it happens to the best of us, so moving on. I remember making my first project, and while it wasn't good by any means. I was still happy and satisfied with it..... Up until teacher told us to break it. Saying that we "shouldn't get too attached cause it could just as easily explode in the kiln, or someone could break it." We continued onto learning how to recycle clay, along with the headache and coughing, that followed from all the banging. (We eventually had to move it outside.)           Aside from all of that I came to realize that pottery helped me in more ways than anything. It helped with me being anti-social and anxiety. (Instead of anxious thoughts going through my head, I would focus on how I was going to mold clay.) It also helps me socialize (just an itty...

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